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A cyclic molecule or ion having different resonating structure follows Hückel's rule when the number of its π-electrons equals 4n+2 where n is zero or any positive integer.


(4 x (0)) + 2 = 2 π electrons

(4 x (1)) + 2 = 6 π electrons

(4 x (2)) + 2 = 10 π electrons


Taking benzene as an example, it has 3 double bonds so 6 π electrons (2 electrons for each double bond) thus it fits Huckels rule and therefore is aromatic. If the molecule is an ion and has a negative charge, the negative charge is also counted as 2 π electrons. Positive charges on a cyclic molecule are ignored.

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9y ago

The Huckels rule of aromaticity states that a compound is particularly stable if all of its bonding molecular orbitals are filled with paired electrons.

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8y ago

Huckel's rule dictates the chemical stability of a planar, aromatic ring with resonance, as in a benzene (C6H6) molecule.

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