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i really do not know! that is kinda what i would call a brain teaser

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Q: What is Landscaping in a way that does not require supplemental irrigation?
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Placing an oximeter on the baby's right hand or wrist is the best way to determine if a baby requires supplemental oxygen.

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A water way built to carry water for navigation or irrigation is a canal.

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Irrigation allowed farms to be further away from rivers. Irrigation is an artificial way to bring water to the land or soil.

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If the farmers were provided with irrigation and marketing facilities the income and employment would increase to a much greater extent as irrigation would help in raising the produce and marketing would help in its distribution. In this way GDP gets higher and employment also increases as it will require a lot of labor.

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Drip irrigation is one of the most efficient forms of irrigation. It saves a significant amount of water when compared to traditional irrigation systems.

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vacuuming would be my answer.

Which ruler irrigation canals to improve the facilities made the right way?

Chinese Yu the Great introduced a system of irrigation canals

What is the definition of canal irrigation?

Canal irrigation:Canal irrigation is a way to water crops by digging channels, which draw their water supplies from rivers. These artificial waterways divert the river water into multiple ditches that provide irrigation to the crops.