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Q: What is a 10 letter word that means love and respect for your country?
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Patriotic means you have respect or you love your country...

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It's important to respect your country and feel patriotic about it (patriotic means the love of your country).

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i think it does because that just means that you love this country and you pretty much you thank and respect the people that died for this country

What is the difference between love and respect?

respect means you just be polite.BUT love that's a different thing love means you be polite AND........ you have strong feelings for this woman/man

What is country love?

The love of country is showing patriotism towards ones country. It is respecting the people in the country and showing respect towards what it stands for.

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What does it mean to dream of someone you respect and waking up loving them and constantly thinking of them?

It means you are in love with them. It means you are in love with them.

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It means take respect or love it

What does the word patriotic meangood manners?

love and respect of ones country

The virtue of filial piety means?

Respect and love your parents and grandparents

How can you encourage your friend to show pride of being an American?

it means to love your country and to take pride in being an American. and respect your elders and support your troops when they mostly need it.