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A consonant is a letter in the alphabet other than a vowelA vowel is English is a, e, i, o, u (and sometimes w and y)

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Q: What is a consanant vowel?
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Is shuttle a vowel consanant consanant vowel or vowel consanant vowel?

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Is basic a vowel consanant vowel?

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Is y a vowel or consonant in a word birthday?

Its a consanant in any word whatsoever

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How do you properly use the phrases it is a and it is an?

You should use a before a word starting with a consanant (not a,e,i,o,u), and use an before a word starting with a vowel(a,e,i,o,u).

Is the y in baby a vowel or a consonant?

It is a consonant because there are already e's in the word. Therefore, y would be a consanant. Y is a vowel in everybody. It doesn't matter how many ee's are in the word it depends on how the word is pronounced. (ĕvˈrē-bŏdˌē)

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What is the proper use for a and an?

A and an are practically the same things except a is in front of nouns starting with *a consanant. An is used in front of vowels and for 2 exceptions back then(y and h). *That is an example ( a consanant ) ( an example is an example of an)

Canada is part of what consanant?

Do you mean Continent? If so it is part of North America!

What is the longest 1-consanant word?

Well i know one called eunoia

What are the letters that are'nt vouls called?

a consanant (sorry if the spelling isn't right)

Is foggy a double consanant?

The word "foggy" contains a double consonant: the letter "g".