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Q: What is a good slogan if i am a journalist writing about totalitarian government?
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Who do the sheep represent in their bleating of this slogan in the animal farm?

They represent the duped citizens of a totalitarian state.

What could be the slogan of fascist government.?

The slogan of fascist governments could be "Might makes right".

What is a slogan for tyranny government?

Cruel is the rule . :)

What is a funny slogan?

"A Premier Government of India Enterprise"

What is a catchy slogan for the writing process?

The most common one often used by most schools is "right your writing". Also, "writing is hard".

'We Open Governments' is the slogan of which organization?

10 slogan for which famous website which we open government

What is the libertarian party slogan?

Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom

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instead of knock on wood, it can be knock on snow!

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What slogan is associated with Canada's Constitution?

Peace Order and Good Government

What is the large poster in George Orwell 1984?

The large poster in George Orwell's "1984" is of Big Brother, the face of the Party and symbol of the totalitarian regime. The poster's slogan reads, "Big Brother is watching you," serving as a constant reminder of the Party's surveillance and control over its citizens. It represents the oppressive and intrusive nature of the government in the novel.

What is a slogan for Mesopotamia?

The land between the rivers. The cradle of civilization. The ancient world where writing began.