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on their backs

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Q: What is a prepositional phrase for camels are animals that have humps on their backs?
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What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence Happily you hoisted your heavy backpacks onto your backs and set out on the long rocky trail that led homeward?

onto your backs [and set out on the long rocky trail that led homeward]

Are camels bumpy?

Some people consider they are due to the humps on their backs.

Are camels useful?

Yes they can carry lots on their backs. They also carry you for a really long time.

What is a hump and a rump?

A hump is a rounded protuberance typically found on the backs of certain animals like camels, where they store fat for energy. A rump is the hind part of an animal's body, specifically the buttocks and surrounding area.

How animal get water?

Many animals obtain water through methods that are similar to our, for example many animals simply live near a source of water like a lake, and use that to drink. However, some animals such as camels store water in pouches on their backs, they then use these supplies when water levels are poor.

What is a beast with two backs?

A beast with two backs is a term, originating in the works of Shakespeare, for two people engaging in sexual intercourse - a phrase translated from the original French phrase by Rabelais.

Why don't camals keep water in their humps?

Camels store fat, not water, in the humps on their backs. Living in desert environments, camels use this stored fat for energy if food is not available; the animals can go days without eating. A camel can also go days without drinking because there are pockets in the walls of its stomach that hold water

Why are camels backs lumpy?

a camel's hump is not used for water storage, it stores fat. When the camel uses fat from the 'hump' it will droop and then with food and rest it will return to normalThey have lumps because they put their food in there.

How do you make a phrase for khdbdcm?

How about, Kittens Have Dirty Backs During Cold Months.

Why do camels have fat?

Camels are big because they need their huge bodies to withstand the hat and to go a long ways without water wich come sin to the point of their hump wich is mad eout of grizzle /fat that stores water

Do camels have two inbuilt water tanks inside their bodies for water storage?

No, but they do have two huge humps on their backs where they store water for up to 4 months.

What part of speech is the phrase during the busy season in the sentence during the busy season your family picked strawberries until your backs ached?

The questioned phrase is an Adverbial participial phrase.