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Mars is the most Earth-like of all the planets in our solar system (not including Earth itself). While it would certainly not be easy for human beings to live on Mars, it would nonetheless be easier for human beings to live on Mars, than it would be for them to live on Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune. So in terms of interplanetary colonization, Mars seems to be the best bet.

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Q: What is a special thing people like about mars?
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What is a special thing people will like mars to treavel on?

well i think the reason why people might like astronomers its because they would like to travel in the planets and learn somethings

What is special about Mars?

mars has a north and south polar cap kinda like earth and people believed that water used to be on mars.

What has been seen on Mars?

People have seen thing like dried-up rivers on Mars, suggesting that there may have been life there once.

What is special about a rocket?

Take people to the Moon and possibly to Mars.

How would people travel to Mars?

In a special space ship.

Is there a such thing like Christmas on Mars?

No, because there is no life on Mars to do so, or for that matter, do anything but erode.

Does Mars have any special features?

no there are no special features found on mars...

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What is the special of planet Mars?

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Is there a such thing like Halloween on Mars?

No, because there is no life on Mars, so that wouldn't be possible, all planet Mars can do is erode and grow smaller or bigger.

Can mars hold more or less people than earth?

There is about a chnace of people to hold on mars. Science say that there might be a 40 % chance of many people been holding on mars, but thing about it., Think about the mass of Mars and then thing of the mass of Eath. There might be a differnet but saying from everything, there is a chance that it can hold has many peopole as Eath. But 60% there is not a chance. So from out of 100% there will be only 43% people can be holded on mars and 57% not holded.