

What is a vivid word for like?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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treasure, prize, adore, esteem

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Q: What is a vivid word for like?
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Is cotton like clouds a vivid word?

Cotton like clouds is actually backwards. It should be "Clouds like cotton" then Yes, it would be a vivid word as someone can easily visualize a piece of cotton.

What is a sentence for the word vivid?

The colours in the painting were vivid. I had a vivid dream last night vivid vivid vivid

What is the part of speech of vivid?

The word "vivid" is an adjective.

A sentence using the word vivid?

I have many vivid dreams at night, but not so vivid during the day.

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What is the root word of vivid?

The root word of "vivid" is "viv," which comes from the Latin word "vivere" meaning "to live." The suffix "-id" is added to form the adjective "vivid," which means clear, intense, or lively.

Can you use the word vivid in a sentence?

the colors were so vivid . The photo was very vivid .

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How do you use the word vivid in a scentence?

I have vivid memories of the day my grandad died.He's a creative child with a very vivid imagination.It was surprising to see her in a plain, beige dress because she usually wears lots of vivid colors.Her artwork is full of vivid colors like neon yellow, brilliant blue and shocking pink.Mom died when I was young, but I have vivid memories of her planning our birthday parties and baking delicious birthday cakes.

Is vividness a word?

A vivid word is a better word for other word like its a better meaning not a baby meaning for example: good: amazing,fantastic, tasty: mouth watering, scarunsues