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Abductor muscles are the muscles which cause abduction. prime example being lateral head of the shoulder abducts your arms to the side of your body. similarly you have the muscles in your lower body which abducts your legs to the sides.

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Q: What is abductor muscle?
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What is an abductor?

An abductor is either one who abducts or kidnaps another, or a muscle which draws out from a central point.

What major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the?

Teres major muscle

The major abductor muscle of the upper arm is?

latissimus dorsi.

How do you use the word abductore in a sentence?

It's spelled abductor and means either someone who kidnaps someone else, or a muscle whose movement takes a body part away from the midline. The tricep is an abductor muscle. The abductor took the baby to another state.

Are some people born without the abductor pollicis longus?

It is quite possible to be born without the abductor pollicis longus muscle group. This muscle group is responsible for abduction of the thumb and is unique to humans and gibbons.

What muscle abducts the little toe?

kinda obvious... abductor digiti minimi

How can I exercises the Abductor muscle of the toes?

Play a video game machine with your toes, it actually works!!!!!!!!!

What muscles abduct the proximal phalanges?

The abductor digiti minimi muscle abducts the fifth proximal phalanx. The abductor pollicis brevis abducts the thumb. The dorsal interossei muscles abduct the other fingers.

What muscle brings the little finger toward the thumb?

The muscle responsible for bringing the little finger toward the thumb is called the abductor digiti minimi.

What is the plural form of abductor?

The plural of abductor is abductors.

What is the Term for carrying away from the body?


What is the muscle in your toe called?

There are seven muscles that control the toes. The "big toe" is controlled by the flexor hallucis longus, the flexor hallucis brevis and the abductor hallucis. The three middle toes are controlled by the flexor digitorum brevis and the extensor digitorum brevis. The last and smallest toe is controlled by the flexor digiti minimi and the abductor digiti minimi.