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An endangered species is a officially-designated animal species that is threatened by extinction. This can be due to natural or man-made changes, including chemical pollution, loss of food sources, loss of habitat, competing species, or excessive hunting.

Species are classified by various levels, including 3 degrees within the "threatened" status: vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. Usually animals that have only a few small breeding populations are said to be "endangered". The American bison (buffalo) and whooping crane faced the real possibility of extinction but have recovered. Wildlife agencies and other animal protection groups work to prevent the extinction of threatened species of plants and animals.

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A species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction.
An endangered species is a species whose breeding numbers has fallen to a very low level. Unless reversed by protection, low breeding level could lead to a species extinction. This could be from being hunted or poached, or by the destruction of their environment, or territories.
an endangered specie is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened
An endangered species is one which is at risk from extinction. For an animal to be endangered its numbers will be very low, only a few thousand left in the wild. This may be down to loss of habitat or decline in food. Endangered species include:

Amur leopard

African Rhino

Asian Elephant

African elephant

Asian Rhino


Giant panda



Polar bear

River Dolphin


Tree Kangaroos

And thousands more species and sub-species
Endangered species are species that are possible to become extinct.

Endangered species are animals that need more of themselves. Like there are not many of tigers left, so they are called endangered species. They mostly become that because of humans destroying their habitat or killing them for food or for poaching.
An animal or plant that has dropped to low numbers, such as not being able to sustain the population without help.

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