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A satellite.

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Q: What is an instrument sent to space to relay information back to earth?
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Instrument used to collect important information about star's composition from the earth?

a. telescope b. space shuttles c. space probes d. spectroscope

How do space probes get information back to Earth when in space?

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What instrument photographs light wavelengths to find movements of space objects?

Spectrograph for anyone using the Basic Skills/ Earth and Space Science workbooks!

How is information sent between earth and a space craft?

by radio

What do space probes to send information back to earth?


What is the difference between a space probe and the satellite?

Space probes- instrument that gathers data and sends it back to earth, and an artificial satellite is when people go up to space and gather data and then go back to earth to go over the data

What is the difference between a space probe and a satellite?

Space probes- instrument that gathers data and sends it back to earth, and an artificial satellite is when people go up to space and gather data and then go back to earth to go over the data

Is the hubble space telescope a space observatory?

It is not an observatory, it simply is an instrument (= a telescope) flying in space, orbiting Earth once in 97 minutes. It is operated from the ground and the "observatory facilities" are on the ground.

What is a space satellite?

an object that is sent into space to travel round the Earth in order to receive and send information

What can be used to collect important information about stars composition from earth?

which is first space probe launched into space

Information about space translated in Hindi?

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What is the name of the spacecraft that was sent into space with information about Earth?

the voyager and voyager2