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basement in French is : "sous-sol" or "cave" (which also means cellar).

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Q: What is basement in French?
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How do you say basement in french?

basement ... sous-sol

How do you you say the basement in French?

The basement is 'le sous-sol' (masculine noun) in French.

How do you say unfinished basement in French?

In French, "unfinished basement" translates to sous-sol non terminé.

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Sous-sol (French For Basement)

What does sous-sol mean in French?

sous-sol means underground (or basement in a building) in French.

What is a Basement in French?

le sous-sol, or la cave (properly the cellar).

How do you say you go down the steps to the basement in French?

Vous descendez l'éscalier jusqu'à la cave.

How can you use basement in a sentence?

The basement is full of boxes. Go down to the basement. Watch the TV in the basement. My bedroom is in the basement.

What is a California basement?

a California basement is a large basement

How do you spell basement in German?

basement = Keller basement = Untergeschoss

Is basement an adverb?

No, it is not. The word basement is a noun.

Finished Basement?

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