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Q: What is happening because of the movement of the plates on San Andrea's plate?
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What is happening to the plates along the san Andreas fault?

they are making earthquakes

Where two of the earth's plates meet in California movement of these plates can cause and earthquake?

The San-Andreas fault line.

What is happening to the earths plates at the san Andreas fault?

The San Andreas fault lies along a transform fault line where two of the Earth's plates are sliding past each other. At San Andreas, the Pacific Plate (to the west) slides past the North American Plate (to the east).

What is the name of central california's plate tectonic?

San Andreas which is formed due to transform movement of plates

How has the UK ever moved because of plates?

There are no plates in the UK. because there are no plate boundaries there's no different kinds of movement. that's why the UK. does not move because of plates!

What is the relative movement along the San Andreas Fault?

The San Andreas Fault is a transform fault (also known as a strike-flip fault). It is where two plates are sliding past each other in opposite directions.

Why are lots of earthquakes and tsunamis happening?

Because the tectonic plates are very active.

What fault line caused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?

it was caused by the two plates in the earth that hit each other

When did a shield volcano erupt?

because movement of tectonic plates

What is the plate boundary of the san Andreas fault?

A transform boundary.

Why is the movement of crustal plates so important to the location of volcanoes?

because it is because it is

Do oceanic plates move?

the ocean plates move because of the movement of the the tectonic plates beneath the ocean and do to the motion of the oceans currents.