

What is mercury's rotation per night and day?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The rotation period of Mercury is 58.65 days.

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Q: What is mercury's rotation per night and day?
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Mainly, this is caused by Earth's rotation around its axis. (Earth's revolution around the Sun results in one less day per year, than the number of rotations.)

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One rotation per hour!One rotation per hour!One rotation per hour!One rotation per hour!

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If you are at exactly the north or south pole the measurement is in Revolutions per Day And that speed is 1 Revolution Per Day.

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The earth orbits around the sun and if it didn't rotate as it does so we would have one day and one night per year, each lasting 6 months. The fact that the earth rotates once every 24 hours constantly presents a changing face to the sun, which is our source of light.

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