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He could not attend the ceremony because he was too ill. His speech was pre-recorded from his hospital room in Calcutta.

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Q: What is significant about Satyajit Ray's Acceptance speech at the Oscar's?
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How long is an acceptance speech allowed to be for the Oscars?

five minutes

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How many Oscars has kings speech get?

The King's Speech got 12 Oscars.

When was Acceptance Speech created?

Acceptance Speech was created in 2007-11.

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How long is an acceptance speech?

It depends on the type of acceptance. But normally 3-8 minutes.

What is acceptance speech?

brings the party together

When did John McCain give his acceptance speech?

Yes he did

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on the next one by jay-z and sway beatz

Which film was inspired by Tom Hanks Oscar acceptance speech for Philadelphia?

In and Out (1997). When Tom Hanks gave his acceptance speech for Philadelphia he accidently "outed" his high school drama teacher.

Whose acceptance speech at the Oscars included the line 'I love the world I'm so happy Thank you'?

That was the reaction of 2000 Best Actress winner Julia Roberts, who was awarded an Oscar for her performance as the title character in "Erin Brockovich." She also declared, "I love it up here!"

What is the part of speech of significant?

Significant is an adjective.