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Many buyers plus few houses available for sale means higher house prices - (a sellers market).

Few buyers plus a surplus of houses for sale means lower house prices - (a buyers market).

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Q: What is supply and demand and how does it affect property prices?
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What is in a free enterprise economy supply and demand affect the of a product?

In a free enterprise system, when supply is low and demand is high, prices are higher, but when supply is high and and demand is low, prices are lower.

When supply and demand decreases real estate prices will?

The (market) prices affect supply and demand, not the other way around except if the supply and demand you're talking about are caused in another market than real estate.

How does supply and demand affect consumers?

Supply and demand are vital to consumers. If a product is in high demand the supply has to go up which can increase prices because of the demand. Prices end up going up because more has to be shipped and it would have to get to the location of demand in a certain time.

What does an increase in supply of an item usually mean for a consumer?

lots of supply and low demand = lower prices lots of demand and low supply = higher prices demand and supply high = normal prices demand and supply low = normal prices

Explain the process of supply and demand and how prices rise and fall?

Prices will fall when the demand is much lower than the supply. When the supply is lower, there is greater demand, therefore, the prices will rise.

When according to the law of supply and demand when supply increases what else happens?

According to the law of supply and demand when supply increases, prices will decrease.

How are prices determined in a well functioning economy?

By simple supply and demand theory. The more demand, or the less supply, will lead to higher prices. The less demand, or more supply, will lead to lower prices.

Demand side and supply side shocks?

Supply shocks are unexpected events that suddenly change commodity or service prices. A demand side shocks affect demand in one or more countries and may include an unexpected change in interest rates. Supply side shocks affect prices and costs in countries and can include a construction or capital investment boom.

How is today's gold prices increase or decrease?

as with any product, prices will fluctuate with demand and supply. if the demand increases or supply is reduced, prices will rise. if demand falls or there surplus supply, the opposite also occurs.

Who determines prices?

supply and demand

What determines the prices of goods and services in the product market?

Supply and demand. Supply and demand determines the prices of goods and services in the market.

Factors affecting demand for a commodity?

price of a commodity, the higher the prices, the lower the demand if there is not a equiblirum condition between demand and supply then it affect commodity demand , inflation and income, and monopoly in some commodity in some area is also affect demand of commodity