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It helps the birds to attract mate.

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Q: What is the Advantage of bird for having a brighter colored plumage?
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What is variegated plumage?

variegated plumagevariegated - Having streaks, marks, or patches of a different color or colors; varicoloredplumage - refers to bird feathers.A male pheasant (rooster) has many different colors in his feathers.variegated plumage - means a variety of feather colors on a bird

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What is the difference between a Steller's Jay and a Stellar Jay?

No:Bluebirds are any of several small North American songbirds of the genus Sialia, having predominantly blue plumage, as the eastern S. sialis, which has a blue back and a reddish-brown breast.Jays are any of several noisy, vivacious birds of the crow family, subfamily Garrulinae, as the crested Garrulus glandarius, of the Old World, having brownish plumage with blue, black, and white barring on the wings.Blue Jays are common, crested jays, Cyanocitta cristata, of eastern North America, having a bright blue back and gray breasts.

Where do vesper sparrows live?

a small North American songbird related to the buntings, having streaked brown plumage and known for its evening song

Is a colored map pencil the same as a colored pencil?

Probably Yes , the two are one in the same despite having different names .

What is the advantage of having a brushed nickel floor lamp?

The advantage of having a brushed nickel floor lamp is that it is energy efficient. Another advantage of having this lamp is that it has a good finish and it does not take up much space in a room.

What is a bird beginning with G and ending in E and has 7 letters?

grackle # Any of several American blackbirds of the genus Quiscalus having iridescent plumage