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With dependants and an income of $8800.00 you will probably get back everything you had withheld and you may qualify for earned income credit which will get you more back. It's not a good idea to try an estimate your taxes. It is worth your while to take it to H&R block or someone like that to make sure you get all of the credits you are due. Caution: don't get sucked into one of the "immediate return" deals. They are a scam. It is simply a high interest loan you must pay back. I know it is tempting to get the money right away but it will be better if you just wait for the government to send you your check.

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Q: What is the best estimate of a federal tax return with 8800.00 income and dependents?
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Free income tax estimator is a calculator that you put basic information into. Yearly income, federal tax withheld, number of dependents. Then it will give you an estimate of your refund or if you owe money.

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FEDERAL income tax is governed by FEDERAL law and regulations- same everywhere. Different STATES may have different STATEtaxes.

On this year's income tax can you file dependents?

You can always file dependents on your income tax return, as long as you have dependents living in your home that you are responsible for supporting financially.

How much of your federal income tax withheld do you receive back in tax returns?

The amount of withheld federal income tax that is returned to you depends on a variety of factors. Your yearly income, marital status, number of dependents, and expenses are all used to calculate your tax return.

If you make under 25000.00 a year and are head of household with two dependents do you get money back from income tax?

This could be possible if this is earned income but you will know the numbers until you have completed your 1040 federal income tax return correctly.

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Why do they take off so much taxes from someone who is single?

Because a single taxpayer under that age of 65 with no dependents is only allowed to have 9350 of income in the year 2009 and 2010 free of federal income taxes.

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If I make 4,218 a month, what would my tax rate (net income) be with 4 dependents.

What would be the tax on 925.00?

That's impossible to say. Your income tax is based on the total amount of income you got from all sources (not just one payment), your marital status, your dependents, and your deductions and credits. Here is a calculator that will estimate your total federal income tax for you: Remember to put all your income for the entire year on the "total income" line. State taxes may apply in addition. The rate will vary depending on what state you are in.

What is Form 1040ez?

Form 1040EZ is the easiest of the three income tax forms someone can use to file their federal income taxes. If taxable income is less than $100,000 AND you don't claim any dependents AND you file as single or are married filing jointly, then fill out Form 1040EZ.