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there no summary. but i give question:


Directions: Study the definitions of the words listed below. Then go to the page where each word is used and read it in context. Lastly, use each vocabulary word in an ORIGINAL sentence you've created.

Write your sentences in the With Every Drop of Blood section of your notebook. Be sure to study the definitions as you will see them on a future test!

1. Hard-tack: a hard biscuit or bread made with only flour and water.

2. Currying: to groom a horse with a currycomb

3. Maul: a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes, piles or wedges

4. Prosperous: having success; well-to-do; well-off

5. Purling: to flow or ripple with a murmuring sound

6. Fodder: feed for livestock often consisting of coarsely chopped stalks and leaves of corn mixed with hay

7. Siege: the surrounding and blockade of a town or fortress by an army bent on capturing it

8. Psalms: a sacred hymn or song

9. Bristle: to react with agitation to anger, excitement, or fear

10. Bayonets: a knife adapted to the muzzle end of a rifle and used in close contact

11. Rutted: a sunken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles

12. Colic: severe abdominal pain

13. Hallowed: sanctified; consecrated; made holy

14. Tethered: to use a rope, chain or halter on an animal allowing it a short radius in which to move about

15. Regiment: a military unit of ground troops consisting of at least two battalions

16. Secession: the act of succeeding (to withdraw)

17. Persnickety: fastidious; exacting; strict attention to detail

18. Breastworks: a temporary, quickly constructed fortification, usually breast-high

19. Dreadful: inspiring dread; terrible; extremely unpleasant

20. Heaved: to throw with great effort; hurl

21. Schemes: to contrive a plan or plot; a plan of action

22. Addled: to become muddled or confused

23. Corpses: dead bodies

24. Skedaddled: to leave hastily; flee

25. Plume: a feather-like form, structure, or object

26. Inhumanity: lack of pity or compassion; an inhuman or cruel act

With Every Drop of Blood Study Guide

Directions: After reading each chapter, answer the questions below in the With Every Drop of Blood section of your notebook. Use this guide to help you study for a test and with essay writing.

Remember: Incorporate the question into your answer. Page numbers to help you are in parentheses.

Chapter 1

1. What happened to the narrator's father and where did it happen? (5)

2. Who are Bridget, Molly, and Regis? (8)

3. How old is Johnny now and how old was he when his father left to fight? (8, 6)

4. Describe how Johnny's father (pop) got hurt. ( 14-15)

Chapter 2

1. Who are Sarah and Sam and how old are they? (20)

2. What mistake did Johnny say the South made? (21)

3. What does Johnny's pa say the war is about? (29)

Chapter 3

1. What did Ma tell Johnny when he returned from Charlottesville? (35)

2. What does Pa say to Johnny? Include the promise he asks Johnny to make. (36-39)

3. Johnny agrees to the promise - would you? Explain your answer.

4. Why does Sarah "burst into the barnyard"? (40)

5. Who does Johnny meet in Standardsville? (43)

6. Describe the Mosby Rangers. (44-45)

7. How does Johnny get around his promise to Pa? (46, 48-49)

8. Do you think Johnny is breaking his promise? Explain your answer.

9. What convinces Johnny's ma to let him go? Give at least three things. (51-52)

Chapter 4

1. What 2 items did Johnny bring with him? (55-56) If you were Johnny, what would you bring? Explain your choices.

2. On page 61, the other Teamsters make fun of one of the things Johnny brought to fight the Yankees. What do they say is wrong with it?

3. On page 64 Johnny says he was confused. What was he confused about? (64)

Chapter 5

1. We are introduced to the Mosbys in this chapter. What images did you see as they are described? (65)

2. Johnny says he prefers mules to horses. Explain why. (67)

3. Johnny looked around a lot and said the sites were "new and strange to me." (68) Where have you traveled that gave you feelings similar to Johnny? Describe the place and your feelings.

4. Johnny hears gunfire (70). Describe what he is feeling.

5. Describe the events that lead up to Johnny's capture. (71-76) First he……Then he reaches a …….and sees a…...Next, he raised…..but the Yankee…..Johnny realized that he has been……..but is surprised because the soldier is………

6. Johnny and Private Turner come across some other black soldiers. What do they tell Johnny to do? (81)

7. Private Turner plays with Johnny's Great-Grandpa's sword. How does Johnny feel about this? (79) How would you feel?

8. Who does Johnny see by the side of the road? (83)

Chapter 6

1. Why is Petersburg an important place? (86)

2. What has Johnny heard about Union prison camps? (87)

3. Private Turner sees Johnny reading a book of psalms. What does Private Turner say about this? Use quotes. (91)

4. Johnny and Private argue over the reason for the war. What does each say is the reason the war began? Who do you think is right? Explain your choice.

5. Private Turner wants Johnny to teach him to read. What deal does he make with Johnny? (99)

6. Why is Johnny surprised by this offer? (99)

7. Why does Johnny agree with Turner's request? (100) Do you think it's a good plan? Explain your decision.

Chapter 7

1. Private Turner asks Johnny to give him a reading lesson. What does he want him to read? (103)

2. How does Johnny feel about reading Private Turner's clipping? (104)

3. How did Private Turner learn his ABC's? (106)

4. What was the difference between the way Johnny's dad whipped him and the way Private Turner's master whipped him? (107-108)

5. Johnny wants to know why Private Turner wants to read. How does he explain his reasons? Hint…Frederick Douglas. (109)

6. What lie does Johnny tell Private Turner? Why does he tell it? (110-111)What would you have done in his place?

7. How does Johnny explain President Lincoln's speech? What does Private Turner think Lincoln said? (115)

8. What does Johnny say caused him to become "fully awake"? (118)

Chapter 8

1. What does Johnny say dedicated, hallowed ground means? (121) Look up those words and write down the real definitions.

2. Who was Nat Turner? (121)

3. What is Private Turner's real name and what does it mean? (122)

4. What does Jeb ask Johnny? Why does he ask it? (124)

5. Would you agree to both requests? Explain why/why not.

6. What kindness does Cush show Johnny? Why doesn't he accept? (126-127)

7. Johnny walks towards the campfire when 2 soldiers see him. What does Johnny say he wants to do? (130-131)

8. What is Johnny really trying to do? (132) Do you think it's a good idea? Explain your opinion.

9. How does Johnny explain what he was doing? (133)

Chapter 9

1. How does Johnny convince the soldiers he wasn't trying to escape? (135)

2. Does Johnny bury Jeb exactly like he promised he would? Explain your answer. (139)

3. What does Cush say about what Johnny was doing last night? (139-140)

4. What does Captain Bartlett tell Johnny to read? (150)

5. What is the difference between the Civil War and the Revolution according to Captain Bartlett? (150)

Chapter 10

1. What does Cush do for Johnny? Why do you think he does this? (153-154)

2. Why does Cush think Captain Bartlett will think Johnny is a spy? (158)

3. Do you think what Johnny did was a good idea? Explain.

4. Johnny tries to change his appearance. How and why does he do this? (168) Do you think it was a good idea? Explain.

Chapter 11

1. What does Cush tell Johnny to do? (173)

2. What happened to Cush? How does Johnny feel about it? (174-175)

3. What does Johnny do to help Cush? (176-179) Do you think it was a good idea? Explain.

4. What does Cush suggest they do to get out of the Union uniforms? (181)

5. What does Cush say he'll do after the war? (183)

6. Cush says Johnny should leave him and "get some place safe" until he can get home. (185) Should Johnny listen to Cush? Explain.

Chapter 12

1. Cush and Johnny travel by night and are awfully hungry. What does Cush suggest they do to keep their minds off their bellies? (189)

2. What does Johnny admit and how does Cush react? (191) Do you think Johnny did the right thing? WasCush's reaction appropriate?

3. Cush and Johnny have a scary encounter. What happened? (194)

Chapter 13

1. Where did the soldiers take Cush ? (197)

2. What does Johnny plan to say to get Cush back? (198) Do you think it was a good idea?

3. Johnny runs into a man while searching for clothes. Summarize what they talk about. (201)

4. Johnny sets out to find Cush. Where does he find him? (209)

Chapter 14

1. Johnny finds out that he missed Colonel Marshall but gets a special treat. What does he get? (219)

2. Who is going to meet at Mr. McLean's house? (221)

3. Johnny sees the barn door open and Cush coming out with 2 Confederate soldiers. What does he say to try to get them to let Cush go? (223)

4. Do they believe him? (224-225)Would you? Explain

5. What surprising thing do Johnny and Cush realize at the end? (226) Were you surprised? Explain.

6. Johnny says that he now believes the meaning of the war was to remind people that "all men are created equal." What does Cush say about this? (228-229)

u are very welcome. hav efun i did nto like the way u ask but i help.

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1mo ago

"With Every Drop of Blood" tells the story of a young African American boy named Johnny who befriends a Confederate soldier named Cush. As they journey together, they develop a deep bond despite their differences. Through their experiences, the novel explores themes of friendship, trust, and the impact of the Civil War on individuals.

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