

What is the crowds reaction to Brutus speech?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the crowds reaction to Brutus speech?
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How is their reaction ironic to Brutus's speech?

There are two main ironies in the crowd's reaction to Brutus's speech. First, Brutus explains to the crowd that the only reason he killed Caesar was that Caesar was too ambitious. Brutus says he participated in murdering Caesar in order to keep from getting too much power.

What does brutus fear when he hears the crowds shouting?

When the crowds are shouting Brutus fears that they are asking Caesar to be the king. Cassius is trying to persuade Brutus to help him kill Caesar.

Who explains the shouts of the distant crowds to Brutus and Cassius in Julius Caesar?

CASCA did.

How do you Compare and contrast Antony's and Brutus' funeral speech?

Brutus's purpose was to control the crowd as was Anthony's. Brutus began his speech with a hostile crowd against him as a murderer of the popular Julius Caesar.

According to Antony's speech Brutus characterized Caesaar as?

Anthony tricks Brutus into letting him give a soliloquy at Caesar's funeral. He uses the opportunity to sarcastically implicate Brutus and Cassius in Caesar's murder. He says that Brutus considered Caesar "ambitious" using his speech to use Brutus' own words against him.

What conditions for the speech does Brutus establish that Antony must agree to follow?

Brutus must read it first.

After listening to brutus' speech the crowd wants to?

The crowd wants Brutus to take power and rule Rome

How does Anthony show the crowd that Brutus is not trustworthy?

Actually, Brutus is a much more trustworthy person than Antony, as their behaviour throughout the play shows. But Antony wants, for his own personal purposes, to discredit Brutus. He does this with sarcasm, calling Brutus an "honourable man" in sarcastic fashion. And he alludes to the fact that Brutus and Caesar were great friends: "Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel". Brutus has already given his explanation of this in saying it was not that he loved Caesar less but that he loved Rome more, and Antony is trying to break this down by getting the crowd into a state of unthinking emotional reaction. This is always a good way to get crowds to do insane things, especially in a Shakespeare play, but also in real life.

Where can one find the words of the famous speech given by Brutus at Caesar's funeral?

You can find the words of the famous speech given by Brutus at Caesar's funeral online at Word Info. You can also find the speech in the book Julius Caesar.

What was Patrick Henry's speech?

He had 3 speeches but what you mostly important was his liberty or death speech. His other 2 where the treason speech, and the Caesar and Brutus speech.

How can you use the word passionately in a sentence?

She passionately delivered her speech to the eager crowds.

How does the crowd feel after Brutus speech?

they are less upset about Caesar's death.