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The benefits of running PHP-CGI are:


* It is more secure. The PHP runs as your user rather than dhapache. That means you can put your database passwords in a file readable only by you and your php scripts can still access it!

* It is more flexible. Because of security concerns when running PHP as an Apache module (which means it runs as our dhapache user), we have disabled a number of commands with the non-CGI PHP. This will cause installation problems with certain popular PHP scripts (such as Gallery) if you choose to run PHP not as a CGI!

* It's just as fast as running PHP as an Apache module, and we include more default libraries.

There are a FEW VERY MINOR drawbacks to running PHP-CGI. They are:


* Custom 404 pages won't work for .php files with PHP-CGI. Or will they? See n74's comment below!

* Variables in the URL which are not regular ?foo=bar variables won't work without using mod_rewrite ( (

* Custom php directives in .htaccess files (php_include_dir /home/user;/home/user/example_dir) won't work.

* The $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] variable will return the php.cgi binary rather than the name of your script

* Persistant database connections will not work. PHP's mysql_pconnect() function will just open a new connection because it can't find a persistant one.

If one of those is a show-stopper for you, you can easily switch to running PHP as an Apache module and not CGI, but be prepared for a bunch of potential security and ease-of-use issues! If you don't know what any of these drawbacks mean, you're fine just using the default setting of PHP-CGI and not worrying about anything!

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What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes?

in programming, single quotes are for characters, and double quotes are for string, but in php, javascript, html, css i don't see any difference between the two.

What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes in PHP?

There's not too much of a difference. Most people prefer using double quotes because of the fact that you can do this: <?php $var2 = "Look at {$var1}!"; ?> which you can't do the {} thing with single quotes. You would have to do <?php $var = 'Look at '.$var1.'!'; ?>

What is the difference between simple php and core php?

The terms "simple PHP" and "core PHP" are not commonly used in the web development community, but based on the context, we can provide an explanation of what they might refer to: Simple PHP: "Simple PHP" is a vague term that could refer to using basic PHP syntax and features without incorporating any advanced frameworks or libraries. In this context, "simple PHP" typically means writing PHP code without relying on additional tools or external dependencies. It implies a straightforward and minimalistic approach to PHP development. Core PHP: "Core PHP" refers to the fundamental and essential features of the PHP programming language itself. Core PHP includes the core functions, language constructs, and syntax provided by PHP without the use of any external libraries or frameworks. It involves writing PHP code in its purest form, utilizing the features and functionalities offered by the PHP language without any additional abstractions. In summary, "simple PHP" suggests a minimalistic approach to PHP development, while "core PHP" focuses on utilizing the essential features and syntax of the PHP language itself without relying on external dependencies. It's worth noting that both terms are not widely used, and their exact definitions may vary depending on the context and the individuals using them.

What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?

Print always returns a value of true, but echo doesn't. echo also has a short cut syntax meaning you can immediately follow the php tags by an equals sign and it will echo the result like in the example shown below: <?=$hello?>

Differences between cgi and servlet?

CGI creates process for each client call where as servlet creates process for the first time and then uses thread for each client.

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The PHP website has a comprehensive online manual that can explain most aspects of PHP, including its installation. See the related links for a constantly-updated PHP installation guide.

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