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Both tigers are white, but Albino tigers will not have stripes on their tails. If you shave a white tiger's and an albino tiger's tail, the white tiger's tail will have stripes on the skin, while the albino tiger does not. An Albino tiger also will have pink skin, and their nose and lips will be pink too.

A white tiger has white and black coloured fur and is a certain species. An Albino tiger is not a breed (can happen to any breed )but has no colour except for white and pink. This is because it is lacking in skin pigment because it does not have a certain gene. This can be passed down to it's cubs who could either turn out to be normal tigers or Albino tigers.

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Q: What is the difference between a white tiger and an albino tiger?
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What is an albino tiger?

A albino tiger is a tiger that is white just like when people say" YOUR ALBINO"!

Can tiger be an albino?

Yes the white Bengal tiger is the albino version of the Bengal tiger. However this species is common unlike most albinos.

What is the difference between a white tiger and a normal tiger?

The color

Where do white tiger live wild?

White tigers are albino individuals of the Bengal tiger species of India, and occurs naturally but rarely among their populations. There are also Siberian white tigers which are crossbreeds between white Bengals and normal Siberians. (There is no record of a naturally albino Siberian, although that might provide an advantage in its natural habitat.)

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White Tiger : White with Black stripes Leopard : Golden with Black unique spots Jaguar : Black with No markings

Are albino Oscars and tiger Oscars the same?

No, Albino Oscars ore white with pale orange designs, and tiger Oscars are black with a kind of orange tiger design on it. I recommend getting a tiger Oscar because often albinos are blind.

What do albino kitten look like?

It would be a white tiger with NO black stripes

What animal is faster a white tiger or a ordinary tiger?

The only difference between a white tiger and a regualr tiger is the color of their fur. So any difference in speed will be down to individual differences rather than one being white and the other orange.

What is the difference between a Siberian tiger and a white Siberian tiger?

White tigers are Bengals, not siberians. Siberians are slightly larger than Bengals.

What are the instincts of white tigers?

Its like all the other tigers in the world, it is albino to most, that is why it is called the white tiger.

Is the white tiger faster then the original tiger?

The only difference between a white tiger and an orange tiger is the gene that controls fur color. ANy differences in speed will be down to the individuals, and not their color.

Do white tigers have sharp teeth?

The only difference between a regular tiger and a white tiger is colour. Having said that, yes a white tiger has sharp teeth, just like any other tiger would.