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Both accuracy and precision are important to scientific measurement. I'll try to explain the difference with a couple of illustrations. I should start by saying, sometimes the words are used interchangeably but they shouldn't be. I consider precision to mean resolution. That is how fine/small a reading you can get.

  • Assume an electronic thermometer (digital display) can display answers to the nearest one hundredth of a degree. But, the thermometer isn't able to measure with that accurately. Maybe it's only accurate to the nearest whole degree. In this case the precision is greater than is supported by the accuracy of the device.
  • Now take the opposite case where the thermometer is able to measure temperature accurately to one hundredth of a degree but the instrument can only display whole degrees. In this case the precision does not support the accuracy.

Ideally the accuracy and precision of an instrument are the same but often that's not the case.

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Q: What is the difference between accuracy and precision and which is most important to scientific measurement?
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because they are both a reliable measurement and is both accurate and precise

Why are both accuracy and precision important in making a measurement?

because they are both a reliable measurement and is both accurate and precise

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An example of a precision measurement is a reading of

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Significant figures indicate the precision of a measurement.

How does accuracy differ from precision a scientific measurement?

Accuracy is the tendency for a measurement to be correct. A more accurate measurement will be closer to the true value than a less accurate measurement. Precision is the tendency to come to the same measurement under the same conditions on multiple occasions. A precise measurement may not be accurate, but can be reproduced time after time and give the same (or sImilar) result.

Does 0.1 equal 0.100?

In mathematics yes, but in scientific or engineering measurement, the number of decimal places indicates the precision of the measurement so they wouldn't necessarily be equal.

What is accuracy and precision and the difference between them?

The term accuracy describes how far your observation/measurement is from the correct result. Precision describes how repeatable your results are, regardless of their accuracy..