

What is the difference between cell phones and PDAs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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A PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant. Mobile phones or cell phones are simply devices which enable a user to call, text, or view web content. PDA devices have more features which enable the user to use computing, telephone, fax services, and personal organizer services.

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Cell phones have no business in schools. Social networking and texting(sexting) can wait until after class or after school. It's sad when students carry faster PDAs than the school computers.

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The best phones for a reasonable prices are ones that have Android included. This includes things like the Samsung Galaxy.

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The difference between communicatimg when using the cell phone and the Internet is for the cell phone you don't have to refresh it and the Internet you do. Also for the Internet you don't have just text you can use the computer cam and see them as well but the cell phone you can not.

What is the difference between a smartphone and a cell phone?

The simple answer is that smartphones are more intelligent, like they have WiFi, apps, edge/3G, often a touchscreen (and/or slide out keyboard). And cell phones are just for phoning, txt messaging and maby a camera.