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Murder - is when you intend do kill someone on purpose. e.g if a burglar kills a woman and robs the house then that counts as murder considering he did it on purpose.

Manslaughter - if you went outside and someone attacked you but as defence you pushed him and accidently he dies then that would not count as muder considering you did it as a defence rather then doing it on purpose.

Added: SHORT ANSWER: Murder is killing somone with the INTENT to cause their death.

Manslaughter is death caused while committing an act in which the persons death was not intentional, or it was as the result of a careless act.

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Murder is the act of killing another human with "malice aforethought" and the intent to kill or to inflict bodily injury, either express or implied.

There are two types of manslaughter: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary manslaughter is when a person intentionally kills another person in a "heat of passion" but had no prior intent to kill. In this case, the killer is described as an "ordinary person" that lost self control. Voluntary manslaughter could also describe imperfect self defense, where a person intentionally kills another person, thinking that they were acting in self defense, but the belief is unreasonable, and the killing is unjustified. Involuntary manslaughter generally occurs when someone is killed due to criminal negligence, or when someone is accidentally killed during another crime, where the intent of the crime was not to cause bodily injury or death.

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Murder - you actually intended to kill the person, and succeeded (otherwise it's "attempted murder"). Manslaughter - you did not intend to kill the person, however it is because of your actions that they died (for example driving too fast and crashing the car, killing the other passengers in your car).

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Murder, manslaughter, and certain sexual assaults: none;

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Yes. Manslaughter is a homicide crime, like murder.

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