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The difference between supply and demand in real estate is as follows:

You cannot fill a real estate supply shortage by manufacturing more identical units. Each piece is different and there is a finite supply. It's not a manufactured commodity. Though you might be able to create more condos in a give space, the space itself is unique and cannot grow to accomodate a short supply.

Real Estate Cannot be Moved to Fill Shortages:If there is a shortage of land for homes in a given area, you cannot move in more land to alleviate the shortage. Real estate is where it sits. For this reason, it will always be a local commodity influenced by local conditions. Over-supply Means Lower Prices:Because of the first two items above, you can usually expect there to be a fall in prices when there is an over-supply of homes or land in a given area. You cannot move the overage to another area to keep prices stable. Under-supply Means Higher Prices:If there isn't enough land or homes in a given area, then prices will almost always rise. Even if there is the ability to construct more homes, the time delay cannot

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Q: What is the difference between supply and demand in real estate?
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THE ANSWER IS IN YOUR BRAIN ! you people are reaaly dumb

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if the supply is low and the demand is high, then the price of the good will be high. if there is high supply but low demand, then the price will be low. the price of a good or service is determined by the relationship between supply and demand. look for any basic macro or micro economics books and it should give you a very good explanation on the subject also pay attention to the graphs of supply and demand and you will get a better understanding of the relationship between supply and demand.

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demand = how much people want it quantity (supply) = how much you have/can sell When the demand drops, the supply increases, and when the supply increases, the demand drops, but it will turn around again, and when the supply is low, the demand increases, and when the demand increases, and the supply gets lower.

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What are the factors affecting real estate?

Location Location Location...then supply and demand.

What is equilibrium in a real estate market?

The state in which real estate market supply and demand balance each other and, as a result, prices become stable. Generally, when there is too much supply for goods or services, the price goes down, which results in higher demand. The balancing effect of supply and demand results in a state of equilibrium.

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