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Q: What is the difference between the other weight of a golf ball and the mass of that same golf ball?
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What what is the biggest difference between badminton and other racket sports?

it does not use a ball

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Beacause in soccer you use your feet the ball can't be as hard as it might be in basketball when you only use your hands.

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There is no difference between the cue ball and billiard ball except that the cue ball is white and without significant markings.

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No difference. The numbering is present to distinguish the balls from other balls on court

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Their difference is that a 15 gram ball is lighter than a 60 gram ball.

Would a ball with less weight bounce higher than a ball with more weight?

No, because the fact that the ball with less weight bounces about couple centimeters than an other ball that has more weight.

Is there a difference between a welsh rugby ball and the rest?

No. Rugby ball weight, dimensions and pressures are governed by the IRB (International Rugby Board). The regulation for this are on their site under the heading of Rules and Regulations

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what the difference between 1000 grit and 1000 polished finish on a bowling ball

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the difference between a red rubber ball and a green apple is..... the size, the color, the shape, and the texture ect... :)

What is the difference between a Bakugan ball and a b2 Bakugan ball?

b2 is slightly bigger

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Volleyballs are softer than a soccer ball.