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Not a lot. But distillation is used to separate the components of a mixture. A scenario where distillation of urine for example is useful is if you are stranded in a desert. You can find a way to distill your urine so that the water in it evaporates and condenses so that you have pure drinkable water... Distillation of ink however is not very useful unless you wanted to identify different parts of ink

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Q: What is the distillation of water and ink useful for?
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Related questions

What is the best method of obtaining water from ink?

separate water from ink using a process called distillation..

How would you separate water from a mixture of blue fountain pen ink and water?

You can use distillation and evaporate the water out, which will leave behind whatever made the ink blue.

What are the uses of distillation?

Distillation is used to separate pure water from a thicker liquid substance, such as ink. It does this by heating the water, which then evaporates and rises, leaving the ink. It then travels down a tube, surrounded by a condenser which changes it from water vapor back to water, and then it falls into a beaker at the other end.

What is purpose of all distillation?

To separate pure water from a thicker liquid substance, like ink.

How would you obtain pure water from ink?

Distillation is the method we use to obtain pure water from ink. Firstly you put inky water in a conical flask and turn on your Bunsen burner and the inky water starts boiling and the steam from that go into the condensing tube and then into the cooling tube and the steam turns back into water you have done distillation. But you have to remember that the water boiling point is 100 Celsius degrees and the boiling point of the ink is higher than Celsius 100 degrees so that it is left behind .

Can you obtain water from ink vinegar or milk?

yes u can... after going through an experiment for obtaining water from different things... go to CYA

How is simple distillation useful?

for santa clause

Why is fractional distillation so useful in the oil?

Fractional distillation is used to obtain diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline and many others useful products.

How you can obtain the pure water by which procees distillation or fractional distillation?

Distillation is used frequently.

Why filtering will not help you to make drinking water from sea water?

Drinking water can be made from sea water either by reverse osmosis filtering, or vacuum distillation, but both are too slow and expensive to be very useful.

How is distillation similar to the water cycle?

Distillation helps in purifying water. Water cycle brings rain which is purest form of water.

How is distillation of water similar to the water cycle?

It's similar because in the distillation process and the water cycle have evaporation and condensation.