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The Doppler principle is simply that sound pitch increases as the source moves toward the listener and decreases as it moves away.

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Q: What is the dropple principle in Doppler ultrasonography?
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What is transcranial Doppler ultrasonography?

Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography is a noninvasive method of analyzing blood flow in the brain.

What is the purpose of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography?

Doppler ultrasonography uses what is called the Doppler effect to measure the rate and direction of blood flow in the vessels.

What are normal results of a Doppler ultrasonography?

A Doppler ultrasonography test showing no restricted blood flow is a normal finding.

What is the ultrasound principle in Doppler ultrasonography?

The ultrasound principle is this: when a high-frequency sound is produced and aimed at a target, it will be reflected by its target and the reflected sound can be detected back at its origin.

What precautions need to be taken when using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography?

Ultrasonography procedures are safe, noninvasive, and painless. No special precautions are necessary.

What care should a patient receive after a transcranial Doppler ultrasonography?

The gel is washed off with soap and water. No other after care is needed.

What is the basic principle of radar communication system?

Doppler effect is the basic principle for the radar.

What is the imaging study uses sound waves to detect blood flow in the carotid and intracranial arteries?

doppler ultrasound

What is Doppler ultrasonography?

direct measurement of blood flow and rates of flow, sometimes performed in conjunction with stress testing (exercise between tests).

How is deep vein thrombosis detected?

Deep vein thrombosis can be detected through venography and radionuclide venography, Doppler ultrasonography, and impedance plethysmography.

Why is Doppler Ultrasonography widely used?

The test is widely used because it is noninvasive, uses no x rays, and gives excellent images. It is harmless, painless, and widely available.

How is color used in Doppler ultrasonography?

The newest addition to this test is the addition of color. Adding color to the image shows the direction and rate of blood flow more clearly.