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The unit for charge is the coulomb, which is equal to 1 A s (ampere times second).

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Q: What is the electric charge unit for physics?
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What unit shows the difference in charge between two points?

I don't think such a unit is used, or would make much sense, in physics. That sounds like the description of voltage - unit volt. However, the volt is not really a difference in electric charge, but rather, of electric potential. It can be understood as potential energy related to electric fields: if there is an electric potential between two points, it requires a certain amount of energy to move a unit charge from one point to the other. Thus, the unit volt is equivalent to joules / coulomb.

What is the unit for current in physics?

Statcoulumb is the unit of charge in cgs system.

The unit of charge is call?

In SI system of units, the unit of electric charge is COULOMB

The unit of quantity of electricity is?

In the SI standard for physics units (see NIST website,) quantities of electricity are measured in coulombs, same as the quantity of electric charge.

What is the basic unit of charge?

The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb(C).In electrical engineering, it is also common to use the ampere-hour (Ah).In chemistry and particle physics, it is common to use the elementary particle charge (e) as a unit.Independent of units, the symbol Q often denotes charge.

What is the unit of electricity charge?

The unit of charge is the coulomb, which consists of 6.24 × 1018 natural units of electric charge.

Is coulomb a unit for a resistance?

No. It is the unit for electric charge. The unit for resistance is the ohm.

In physics what is an electron volt?

In physics an electron volt is a very small unit of energy. An electron volt is the amount of energy gained by the charge of an electron once it has moved across an electric potential difference of one volt.

What is the unit of electric charge?

coulomb (C)

The unit of electric charge is called a?


What is the smallest unit of electric charge of occurs in ordinary matter?

Elementary charge

Unit of matter that has mass but does not have an electric charge?
