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Q: What is the electronegativity of lead?
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What is lead's electronegativity?

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Why is platinum more reactive than lead?

Platinum is more electropositive than lead. The electronegativity of platinum is 1.72 and of lead is 1.854. Therefore this shows that lead is the more electronegative element.

What is titanium's electronegativity?

Here is a line up I extracted: note that ti is BELOW iron: maybe someone who is a chemist can explain why this is the case? In any case, the results that I obtained follow: elt symbol electronegativity gold au 2.4 copper cu 1.9 iron fe 1.83 lead pb 1.8 aluminum al 1.61 TITANIUM ti 1.54 sodium na 0.93 from

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What properties tells the most about stability of a metal?

You think probable to electronegativity.

What happens to electronegativity as you go across a period?

The electronegativity increases

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.8 Is the electronegativity of Potassium

What is electronegativity of iron?

the electronegativity of iron is 1.8

Is the electronegativity of iron?

the electronegativity of iron is 1.8

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The electronegativity of Uranium is 1,3.

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the electronegativity of boron is 2.04