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dudee........You wont see it.

Its 10,000 years.

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Q: What is the estimates for how long it takes nuclear waste to completely decay?
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Will nuclear waste be dangerous to future generations?

Absolutely ! Nuclear waste takes hundreds - perhaps thousands of years to decay. Many generations of people to come will have to manage the storage and disposal of nuclear waste.

Is there any way aluminum is bad?

Aluminum takes more than 100 years to decay. If this were to be thrown in the garbage, it would take up to 100 years completely decay.

Is nuclear fusion used to describe the rate of a radioactive isotopes decay?

No. Nuclear fusion is the process by which 4 hydrogen atoms are fused into a single helium atom, releasing huge amounts of energy. This is the process that powers our sun. Radioactive decay of isotopes is described by the concept of the half life. The half life of an isotope is the time it takes for 1/2 of a sample of that isotope to decay into a daughter product.

The way you express the time it takes for atoms in a radioactive substance to distintegrate is called?

The time used for dealing with nuclear decay is called a half life. Decay of a radioactive atom is something that happens by change, and the atoms of one isotope may be more or less prone to decay than the atoms of another. The way we normally express the rate of decay is to speak of the amount of time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay, which is the same as the time during which any one atom of the sample has a 50% chance of decaying.

A substance is the time required for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay?

The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.

What is the random nature of nuclear decay and how does it relate to half life?

There is a simple connection between the random nature of nuclear decay and the half-life of a radionuclide. Any given atom of a radioactive element can undergo decay "any time it wants to" in the real world. This is the random nature of radioactive decay. We absolutely cannot tell whenthat one atom of whatever it is will decide to decay. The nuclear decay will happen when "it wants to" and we can only speak to the decay event of a given radionuclide by statistical means.We look at a vast number of the same kind of atoms and count the decay events. We do this over some determined interval of time, which can be shorter or longer, depending on how unstable the given radioisotope is. We'll then use our knowledge of how much we had to begin with and how many decay events we observed over out observation period to calculate how long it takes "about half" the material to decay. That's what a half-life is. It's a statistically derived span of time during which half the amount of a (sufficiently sized) sample of a specific radionuclide will decay and half will be left to undergo decay later on.

What is the estimate for how long it takes nuclear waste to complettly decay?

Each radioactive isotope has its own rate of decay, called the "half-life". This is the time that it takes for one-half of the radioactive elements to decay into something else. For very radioactive elements, the half-life is pretty short, but sometimes the element that id decays into is itself radioactive. It _NEVER_ completely decays, but at some point the nuclear waste is no more radioactive than the background material. Remember that some elements like uranium are naturally found in rock formations, and that elements like radon are naturally occuring in the environment. This becomes a problem in the basements moutainous areas, where radon gas accumulates and can cause lung cancers. In general, nuclear waste needs to be protected and isolated for about 50 years; after that, the residual radioactivity isn't going to be especially hazardous.

What dose the nuclear membrane do?

The nuclear takes care of the nucleus .

What dose the nuclear membranes?

The nuclear takes care of the nucleus .

Does the sun release smoke?

No. Smoke is a mixture of products of combustion, which is a chemical reaction. The "burning" that takes place in the sun is not combustion; it is nuclear fusion, which is a completely different process.

How long does it take for leather to decay?

It takes hundreds of years.

What do we call the time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay?

The time it takes for half of a sample to decay is called the "half-life" of the corresponding material.