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Q: What is the in which differential selection and reproduction of phenotype occurs?
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What process does differential selection and reproduction of phenotype occurs?

cellular differentiation

When types of selection occurs when individuals in a population with the intermediate phenotype are selected for?

Stabilizing selection occurs when organisms with intermediate phenotypes are selected for.

Which type of natural selection occurs when the extreme opposites in a phenotype range are selected?

Disruptive selection, also known as diversifying selection.

What reproduction occurs?

Reproduction occurs at different points for different organisms. In humans, it occurs when sperm fertilizes egg.

What is direct selection?

Directional selection is when natural selection favors a single phenotype. It occurs when there is a shift in population towards an extreme version of a beneficial trait.

What does natural selection act upon?

Natural Selection is driven by random mutations and sexual reproduction. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. These offspring compete for resources for food and water and who can aviod stuff such as predators and disease. Sexual Reproduction allows a population to have variation. If all of a population was the same, then it could easily die out if it had a adaptation that decreased its chance of survival. With sexual reproduction, all of a population has some sort of variation. Random Mutations allow organisms to gain new adaptions to help them survive in their environment. Together, Random mutations and sexual reproduction allow organisms that can survive in their environment survive and pass on their genes to their offspring.

What does reproduction occur?

Reproduction occurs at different points for different organisms. In humans, it occurs when sperm fertilizes egg.

What type of reproduction occurs in plant tissue culture?

Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction occurs in?


What is the effect of differntial reproduction over time?

Overproduction of offspring and more changes like adaptation for survival.

What is it called when replication is messed up?

Mutation occurs, if a mutation is recessive it is not expressed in the phenotype, if however it is dominant when passed on in the offspring it is expressed in the phenotype.

When will natural selection occur?

when there is competition