

What is the initiating action in The Lightning Thief?

Updated: 4/3/2020
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13y ago

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Luke, the lightning thief, wanted to make Zeus think that Poseidon took his master bolt so there would be a war and Olympus would fall apart, so Luke can wake Cronus and gain power and control.

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Q: What is the initiating action in The Lightning Thief?
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The title "The Lightning Thief" refers to the protagonist, Percy Jackson, who is accused of stealing Zeus's lightning bolt in the story. This event sets off the main conflict of the book and drives the plot forward.

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The crisis in the Lightning Thief is when the bolt was stolen from Olympus, which led on to the beginning of the Lightning Thief's story.

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Initiating action would the beginning of taking action or doing something.

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The author of the lightning thief is Rick Riordan

Who is the auother of Lightning Thief?

"The Lightning Thief" is written by Rick Riordan .

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Claresse is the daughter of Ares in the lightning thief. BY THE BIGGEST LIGHTNING THIEF FAN IN THE UNIVERSE!!no, sorry, I'm a bigger fan. by far.Ares is the god of war, and a big villain in the lightning thief,

Who is the Lightning Thief in the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?

Luke Castellan stole the lightning bolt