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In most places in the US, the upper limit for a driver's BAC is 0.08. However, you should check the laws of the state you're in, it could be lower than that.

If you're not driving, then there isn't really a legal limit. Some places have "public intoxication" laws, but those are for the most part concerned with behavior rather than actual blood alcohol measurements; as long as you're not causing problems, the police are unlikely to care how drunk you are.

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Q: What is the legal bac for 21 or over?
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When under age 21 in California what is legal limit for bac?

Legal limit under age of 21 in California

What is the legal bac?

The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for driving is typically 0.08% in most states in the United States. Driving with a BAC above this limit is illegal and can result in DUI (driving under the influence) charges. Commercial drivers and individuals under the legal drinking age may have lower BAC limits.

A person under 21 years of age is considered to be intoxicated with what blood alcohol level?

In most states, if you are under 21, the legal blood alcohol level is 0.2. If you are 21 or over, the legal limit is 0.8.

What is the illegal bac for individuals under 21 in California?

Any BAC over .000.

Can you get convicted in DUI if your bac is under 0.08 for first offense?

Yes, you can still be convicted of DUI even if your BAC is under 0.08 for a first offense. If your driving is impaired by alcohol or drugs to the point where you are unable to operate a vehicle safely, you can still be charged and convicted of DUI. The legal BAC limit of 0.08 is just one factor in determining impairment.

What is the legal alcohol limit when driving in Texas?

The legal alcohol limit when driving in Texas depends on a couple things. The legal alcohol limit is 0.08 BAC, if you are under 21 then the limit is set at 0.02 BAC and if you are a commercial driver then the limit is 0.04 BAC.

What is the legal limit for driving when over the age 21?

The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration when driving for those over the age of 21 is typically 0.08%. Driving with a BAC over this limit is considered a criminal offense in most jurisdictions.

What is the legal BAC limit in Virginia?

The legal BAC (blood alcohol content) limit in Virginia is .08%

What is the DWI BAC limit for a minor in NC?

North Carolina is a zero-tolerance state for minors driving under the influence.

Is the BAC of DUI .08.?

Yes, 0.08 BAC is the legal limit in every state.

Is there a bac for under 21?

BAC legal driving limits are the same for minors (under 21) as for adults. The only difference is that if you are under 21, in addition to being charged with a DUI or DWI you will also be charged for underage drinking. My suggestion to you is don't drink until you are 21, and always have a sober driver. In Oregon you will be charged for DUI under 21 if you have ANY measurable amount of alcohol in your blood.

What is the legal BAC limit in Iowa?
