

What is the meaning of nature in nature of metals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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the properties or description of metals. that's it!

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Q: What is the meaning of nature in nature of metals?
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yes, metals are lustrous in nature.

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It is a characteristic or you can say, property of metalsthat - they are LUSTROUS in nature whereas on the other hand, non-metals possess the property that - they are NON - LUSTROUS in nature.Thus, metals can be lustrous and non-metals cannot be lustrous in nature(except iodine, which is a non-metal, but is lustrous in nature).

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alkali metals are highly reactive especially with water so they tend to form compounds in nature.

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Alkaline earth metals are found in nature only in mineral or compound forms, due to their high reactivity.

What refers to group II metals?

group-II are alkaline earth metals. They are basic in nature.

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Non metals exists in nature . They are not made in computers.

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