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Q: What is the minium number of darts a person needs to throw to complete a leg of 501?
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Related questions

What is the average number of darts to win a leg?

the average is about 12-15 darts the best is 9 darts

If you were playing darts and got a 'Shanghai' score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?


In the game darat is tharting with 301 what is the minimum number of darts needed to finish?

6 darts minimum

What do you call a person who throws darts?

Dart thrower?

What is a score of shanghai in darts?

A shanghai is a single, a double, and a triple of the same number in one throw of three darts.

What is the smallest number you have to make with 3 darts?

were 100

If you were playing darts and got a shanghai score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?

12. Treble, single and double 12.

How do change 1.8 into a fraction or mixed number into simplest form?


Does the Nerf Raider Rapid Fire hold streamline darts or suction darts?

it holds streamline darts not suction darts the suction darts dont fit in the drum magazine it can also hold micro darts and whistler darts

On runescape how do you make bronze darts?

You first need to complete the quest "Tourist Trap". After that, you can make them by using bronze bars on an anvil. Add feathers, to complete the process.

What happens if youre bust in darts?

you go back to yore previous number

Where do you get better darts on poptropica cryptkids?

When you beat the first person, he will give you his darts and a rowboat ticket. After you go on the submarine tour, go back to the pub and show the picture to the two people. One of them will give you the best darts you can ever get(doesn't mean they are the best).