

What is the most important thing ozone protects us from?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Ultra Violet (UV) rays.

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Q: What is the most important thing ozone protects us from?
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What is the most important thing you can do to stop the thinning of the ozone layer?

The most important thing is to stop use of CFC's. They are mostly responsible for ozone depletion.

Contains most of the Ozone?

Stratosphere contains most of the ozone. It protects against the UV radiations.

Where is most of the ozone in the atmosphere?

Most of the ozone is in stratospheric region. It protects against the UV radiations.

Which layer contains the ozone layer in the atmosphere?

The stratosphere layer of the earth's atmosphere contains the ozone layer. This ozone layer protects against the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the earth.

Contains most of the ozone of the atmosphere?

Most of the ozone is found in the stratosphere region of atmosphere. It protects us from UV rays of sun.

What is the stratosphere's gases?

The main gas found in the stratosphere is ozone. It is present in the form of ozone layer.

Where is the ozone that is most important to biology mostly located?

The most important ozone is located at stratosphere. It is a pool of ozone molecules.

How does the Ozone Help the Earth?

The Ozone helps the earth in many ways, most likely too many to put on a list but the most important are, it protects the earth from meteors. Also it help hold in oxygen so the earth can have life.

What parrt of the atmosphere contain most of the ozone?

The most of the ozone is present in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere. It protects us from the UV radiations of the sun.

Which layer of the atmosphere contain most of the ozone layer?

The lower stratosphere contains a CONCENTRATED amount of ozone. However, all parts of the atmosphere contain SOME ozone.

What do you find in the stratosphere?

You find most of Earth's ozone in the stratosphere. Ozone is a gas that protects Earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.

What is work of ozone layer?

The ozone layer is miles above us but protects us from most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.