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Q: What is the motto about being sent to Alcatraz?
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What is Alcatraz's motto?

I believe the motto in the cafeteria was:Take what you like, eat what all that you take.

Why was frank morris sent to Alcatraz?

He robbed a bank

When was the first criminal sent to Alcatraz?

The first group of prisoners landed on the shores of Alcatraz on August 11,1934.

How did John Anglin go to Alcatraz?

John Anglin went to Alcatraz after he robbed a bank in Alabama. He was sentenced to serve 35 years in prison. While in prison, he attempted to escape. As a result he was then sent to Alcatraz in 1960 to serve the remainder of his sentence.

Why was clarence anglin sent to Alcatraz?

Bank robbery and attempted escape.

How many prisoners in all how many did Alcatraz have?

There were 1576 Prisoner numbers registered on Alcatraz (a few were sent back to the island as many as 2 times).

What kind of people were sent to Alcatraz?

Inmates that were risks to other prisons

What year did al Capone go to Alcatraz?

Al Capone was indicted in 1931 for income tax evasion and violations of the Volstead Act. The violations of the Volstead Act were later dropped but he was sent, nevertheless, to Atlanta U.S. Penitentiary in May of 1932 and was later on sent to Lincoln Heights Jail temporarily before being sent to Alcatraz for the remainder of his sentence.

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When did Al Capone get sent to the Federal prison of Alcatraz?

Al Capone arrived on the first train from USP Atlanta to Alcatraz shortly after the prison opened in 1934. He was perhaps the most famous prisoner there.

How did al Capone end up at alcatraz?

He was transferred along with a group of prisoners from Atlanta penitentiary via an armed escort on a train. If you're asking why he was sent to jail, the Government was able to indite him on a large tax evasion sentence.

What is the motto of Instituto Regiomontano?

The motto of Instituto Regiomontano is 'Being a Man'.