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The novel you are referring to is called Robinson Crusoe.

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Q: What is the name of the Daniel Defoe novel in which a man is given the name Friday or Man Friday?
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Related questions

Where did the phrase girl Friday originate?

The phrase Girl Friday came from Man Friday after the native in Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe (1719)

Why was Robinson curose's friend named Friday?

In Daniel Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe," Friday is the name given to the native man whom Crusoe rescues and befriends on the island. He is named Friday because that was the day of the week Crusoe saved him from his captors.

Did Robinson Crusoe meet another man in novel written by Daniel defoe?

Yes Robinson Crusoe met and saved a man from the clutches of the cannibals, he named him Friday, as it was a Friday.

When was Robinson Crusoe's novel made?

About 1750, written by Daniel Defoe.

What literary movement was Defoe a part of?

Daniel Defoe belongs to the Augustan (rise of the novel)period and is part of Neoclassicism.

Is Daniel Defoe the father of English novel?

Daniel Defoe is considered one of the early pioneers of the English novel, often referred to as the "father of the English novel" due to his influential works such as "Robinson Crusoe." Defoe's realistic and innovative storytelling style helped establish the novel as a distinct literary form in English literature.

Who wrote the novel Roxana?

Daniel Defoe wrote the novel "Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress" in 1724. Defoe is also known for his other famous works such as "Robinson Crusoe" and "Moll Flanders."

What is Daniel defoe considered to be the founder of?

Daniel Defoe is considered to be the founder of the English novel for his pioneering work in the genre, particularly his most famous work, "Robinson Crusoe." Defoe's use of realistic detail and first-person narration set a precedent for the development of the novel as a literary form.

How did Robinson save Friday?

In the novel "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, Robinson saves Friday from being sacrificed by a group of cannibals and then befriends him, teaching him English and converting him to Christianity. Robinson also helps Friday escape to the safety of his island hideout.

Who wrote the novel 'The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders'?

The novel 'The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders' was written by none other than Daniel Defoe. This book was first published in the year 1722.

Who is Daniel defoe?

Daniel Defoe was an English writer and journalist who is best known for his novel "Robinson Crusoe," which is considered one of the first English novels. Defoe is also recognized for his other works, including "Moll Flanders" and "A Journal of the Plague Year." He is considered a key figure in the development of the English novel.

What is an interesting book by Daniel Defoe?

One interesting book by Daniel Defoe is "Robinson Crusoe." It follows the story of a man stranded on a deserted island and his struggle for survival. It is considered an early example of the novel form and has been influential in literature.