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The peregrine falcon, a bird of the raptorfamily, is considered to be the fastest air animal in the world.

The bird's top speed is reached in its hunting dive, which is called a stoop. To attain its stoop the raptor soars high in the air and turns into a steep dive, hitting its prey in mid-air with its clenched talons; the prey is either stunned or instantly killed, and the falcon catched it as it falls.

It is reported that the peregrine falcon has been recorded reaching 389 km/h (242 mph), and is generally believed to reach speeds up to 320 km/h (200 mph).

For more information on the peregrine falcon, see the link below.

Among other very fast birds is the swift, a swallow-like bird related to the hummingbird, which reaches speeds of 216 km/h (134 mph) over short distances.

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The Peregrine Falcon is not only the fastest bird; it is the fastest member of the Animal Kingdom. It can reach speeds of 202 MPH.

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why there are about four different animals that can run that fast, one animal is the grandadoren jaguar (in order from fastest to slowest), the second fastest is the festiren cheetah, the third fastest is the mejadian hawk, and the last fastest animal is the cranizorm road runner. those are the world's fastest types of animals.

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on land is the cheetah. in the air is the spine tailed swift.

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The peregrine falcon is reputed to be the fastest animal on earth, but only when in a steep stooping dive towards its prey flying below. The peregrine falcon has been recorded at over 200 mph during a dive.

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The fastest animals in air are called Peregrine falcons. They fly at 90 mph and dive at 200 mph.