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George Fishbeck

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Q: What is the name of the kids science show on TV in the 1960s I remember the guy was tall with a mustache and had lots of well labeled boxes that he did experiments from perhaps from the west coast?
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Will one's girlfriend be mad at one if one offers to pay for laser treatment to get of rid of her mustache?

No she shouldn't be but you must be tactful in how you approach the subject. Don't all out say "your mustache is disgusting and I can't kiss you" perhaps "hey has anyone ever told you that you have some peach fuzz? Go from there, and remember to be nice, and supportive. She will appreciate your honesty.

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You can get blue vitriol perhaps from medical store

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Ah, yes ... that tooth-brush moustache ... Perhaps he thought it made him look military ...

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Yes I do not remember his name perhaps it was someone Hispanic do not remember which country.

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perhaps it will be a joy later to remember these things.

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There is no evidence that it was EVER used. Perhaps some people do use telepathy, but there are no controlled experiments that confirm that telepathy is even possible.

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Linnaeus didn't have a famous experiment, he developed the current system of plant taxonomy. Do you perhaps mean Mendell and the pea experiments?

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Yes, stop talking if you don't remember what your point is, and perhaps you will remember later and will still be able to make your point. Or perhaps just raise a new topic of conversation.

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The motto of Priory Preparatory School is 'Perhaps someday it will help to remember'.

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Perhaps patriosm, bravery, remember Tennyson wrote the poem as a tribute.

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Lack of gravity should not affect the pacifier. Perhaps you should contact Google who are sponsoring experiments in space and suggest a scientific test with one?

Why do scientists need common system of measurement?

In order to be able to understand each other's work, to repeat observations or experiments for verification or further studies, and to collaborate perhaps between countries.