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1) The word FIVE is a 4-letter word. Take away the 3 letters 'F', 'I' and the 'E', and you are left with 'V' which is the Roman numeral for the number five.

2) The word ZERO is a 4-letter word, Take away the letters Z,E and R, and you are left with O, which is zero!

Other words with similar characteristics

  • There is a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same meaning: aitch -> h
  • There is also a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same sound: queue -> q
  • This is a three letter word, take two letters away and it sounds the same: why -> y
  • And, last by no means least, there are two 3-letter words which, when you take two letters away, mean the same thing: zee (US) -> z, zed (UK) -> z.
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14y ago
Answer:The word: "queue". When you take 4 letters off, it becomes "Q" and it still makes the same sound.
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15y ago

NONE - Take away N, N and E and you have O.

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11y ago

Queue, aitch

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15y ago


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Q: What four letter word in the English language that if you take away 3 letters from it it still means the same thing?
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