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1mo ago

The past tense of apply is applied.

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Q: What is the past tense of apply?
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What is the past or present or future for the word applied?

Past: applied Present: applying Future: will apply

Is applied past tense future tense or present tense?

"Applied" is the past tense of the verb "apply." It is used to describe an action that occurred in the past.

What is the past tense of the word apply?

The past tense of the word "apply" is "applied."

Past tense form of the word apply?

The past tense form of the word "apply" is "applied".

Is this word past present or future applied?

It is an application that analyzes the tense of a given word in a sentence, determining if it is in the past, present, or future tense.

What is the past tense of some?

"Some" is not a verb- the concept of tense does not apply. The past tense of sum is summed, if that is what you meant.

Past tense of responsible?

"Responsible" is an adjective. It does not have a past tense. Instead, the past tense would apply to the word before. (Present - she is responsible, Past - she was responsible.)

Is applied the past or present or future?

"Applied" is typically the past tense of the verb "apply." So, it is used to refer to actions that occurred or were completed in the past.

What is the past tense of science?

Science is a noun. Word tenses apply to the verb.

What is the past tense of am and has?

the past tense of am is was and the past tense of has is had

What is past tense of has and have?

The past tense of "has" is "had" and the past tense of "have" is "had."

What is the past tense of were?

Was and were are both the past tense of be. The present tense is: I am he is you are they are The past tense is: I was he was you were they were