

Best Answer

It depends on the Doctor . My Doctor uses the lay on your side on the

table and pull your knees up towards your chest . ( I think some

Doctors have you lean over a table ) in order to check your prostate

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Q: What is the position for a rectal exam?
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What is the position for rectal exam?

Sims' position

Do teen girls have to get a rectal exam?

Well maybe or maybe not. if it is just a sports physical for a high school sports team or something then they wont need to do one. For the sports exam they only look at things that can get hurt on the outside of your body(your breats and vagina, and then only very briefly. If you are having a regular check up then they will do a rectal exam. I'm 17 and sexually active and this is how my exam went: 1. vitals(height, weight, blood pressure...etc. 2.undress into a gown. 3. Breast exam ( only like 1 minute). 4. Vaginal Exam. this consisted of having two fingers inserted in my vagina, a speculum exam, and a pap smear. 5. Rectal Exam. PS. Dont worry about it, its not that bad. I had to get up on my knees and elbows and the nurse put a lubricated finger into my butt and wiggled it around a little bit. Over

Indication of rectal exam?

§ for the diagnosis of rectal tumors and other forms of cancer; § for the diagnosis of prostatic disorders, notably tumors and benign prostatic hyperplasia; § for the diagnosis of appendicitis or other examples of an acute abdomen (i.e. acute abdominal symptoms indicating a serious underlying disease); § for the estimation of the tonicity of the anal sphincter, which may be useful in case of fecal incontinence or neurologic diseases, including traumatic spinal cord injuries; § in females, for gynecological palpations of internal organs

What is compartment exam?

it is when the exam is big

What is exam skill?

The skill you have/need to answer an exam.

Related questions

What is the position for rectal exam?

Sims' position

When you have a pap smear do you also have to have a rectal exam to?

No you dont have a rectal exam with it, at least I have never.... Rectal exams are done by different doctors.

What is the icd 10 pcs code for digital rectal exam?

What is the code for digital rectal exam

Palpation of the prostate gland through the rectum?

It is called a Digital Rectal Exam.

Does a gynecologist do a rectal exam too?


What are the causes of rectal cancer and the signs one should get a rectal exam?

The cause of rectal cancer are not all known. However, you should get a rectal exam if you experience unusual tiredness, nasuea, bloody stools, abdominal cramps, and a change in bowel habits. These may be signs of rectal cancer.

What is the cpt code for Digital Rectal Exam?


Can you be too fat for a digital rectal exam?

Yes, a digital rectal exam is done using a CT scanner. Without even going into how much radiation a large patient will recieve, there is a weight limit on the table and the hole that the person has to fit through is only so big. ------------------------------------------ A digtal rectal exam has nothing to do with a CT scanner. Digital, in this case, refers to the finger (a digit). It is a rectal exam performed with the examiner's finger. If the patient is particularly heavy, it certainly makes it more difficult to perform a digital rectal exam effectively, but it can still be done.

What does a doctor stick up your butt?

They will stick their finger and a camera in while doing a digital rectal exam or prostate exam

What does finding one glove mean?

It means your rectal exam went well.

What does the medical abbreviation DRE mean?

DRE means digital rectal exam.

Knee chest position for rectal examine?
