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Q: What is the recipe for the cabbage soup that Anne Frank ate while she was in hiding?
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Who helps the frank while they are hiding?

A Dutch Catholic Family.

What did anne frank do that was memorable?

She kept a diary while hiding from the Nazi's. She was Jewish and was hiding with her family from capture.

What did anne frank get as a birthday gift while in hiding?

She didn't receive many birthday gifts while in hiding, but just before she went into hiding, she received candy, pins, books, and a blank notebook which she called 'Kitty' and wrote in while she was in hiding.

What did Anne Frank do in the morning while in hiding?

she was quiet and had breakfast and wrote in her diary.

What did Anne Frank take into hiding?

Anne Frank had a blank book to write her diary in. She got it for her birthday while she was in hiding. Aside from that, she did not have many personal possessions while in hiding with her family.

What did Anne Frank usually eat?

what ever they could while in hiding, Miep worked for Otto Frank and she got what she could for them

How do you use journalism in sentence?

Anne Frank wrote in her journal while she was hiding with her family.

What did Mr Frank give to Anne to make her feel better while they were in hiding?

Her diary

Who wrote a famous diary while hiding in world war 2?

Anne Frank

Did Anne Frank intend to have the diary published?

Yes, she revised her diary while she in hiding in the annex.

What does Anne Frank's diary record?

Everything while in hiding. It was her best friend, she named it Kitty.

Who is slagter from diary of Anne frank?

In "The Diary of Anne Frank," Slagter is an officer who investigates the annex where Anne Frank and her family are hiding. He searches the building while Anne and the others remain quiet and hidden. Ultimately, he does not discover their secret hiding place.