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Q: What is the size or diameter of the star betelgeuse?
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How far is star Betelgeuse is from earth?

Studies since 1990 have produced an angular diameter (apparent size) ranging from 0.043 to 0.056 arcseconds.

How is the sun compared to the star betelgeuse?

Size-wise, the Sun is to Betelgeuse as the Earth is to the Sun.

How big is the star beatlejuce?

The star Betelgeuse is estimated to be about 1000 times the diameter of the Sun.If you put Betelgeuse where the Sun is; the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars would all be inside the star.

Is Betelgeuse a yellow star?

No, Betelgeuse is a red star.

Is Betelgeuse a binary star?

No. Betelgeuse is a single star.

Is a betelgeuse star a super giant star?

The star Betelgeuse is a supergiant.

Is there a star called betelgeuse?

Yes, there is a star named Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse is a red star located on the constellation of Orion.

What kind of star is Betelgeuse exactly?

The star called Betelgeuse is a red giant. It is about 700 times the size of the sun, and its temperature is lower than that of the sun's, at around 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

What star is bigger betelgeuse or aldebaran?


How many earths in Betelgeuse?

The size of Betelgeuse is variable (it pulsates); plus, there are different estimates. But its diameter is approximately 900 times that of our Sun, which in turn is roughly 100 times the diameter of Earth (actually 109, but the data don't justify a very exact calculation), so Betelgeuse has roughly 900 x 100 = 90,000 times the DIAMETER of Earth; the ratio of volumes is that same number, cubed, or (after some rounding) about 700,000,000,000,000 times as much.

Is Betelgeuse a giant star?

Betelgeuse is a supergiant star.

Is Betelgeuse a star?

Yes. Betelgeuse is a kind of star called a red supergiant.