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well, ive had alot of expereince with that and well the survival rate for women diagnosed with serious carinoma well is out of 10 ill say tell you the truth its ok and bad i really cant rate it but they have at least a five year survival rate srry how long has this person had it for if they do?well, ive had alot of expereince with that and well the survival rate for women diagnosed with serious carinoma well is out of 10 ill say tell you the truth its ok and bad i really cant rate it but they have at least a five year survival rate srry how long has this person had it for if they do?

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16y ago
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11y ago

Depending on the stage of the cancer, the breast or tumor may be removed followed by intense rounds of radiation or chemotherapy to halt the division of cells and isolate the primary tumor. These measures may also be taken to minimize pain and make the patient comfortable if they are in Stage IV.

The five-year survival rate for a Stage IV or advanced breast cancer is slim. Most patients even with treatment only live on average between one and two years after the initial diagnosis.

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13y ago

It depends on the constitution(physical,mental,genetic,immunological condition) of a person.In some cancer is very aggressive while in some it becomes dormant.Apart from surgery/radiation/herpestine therapy , patients who absolve it in their consciousness and are not hypochondriacs have a higher rate of survival than those who tend to be more concerned about it.Patients have led a full life even after 1st,2 nd & 3 rd state . It is no miracle but your own conditioning.

1. A complete psychological absolvement by self hypnosis/meditation( not commercial gurus of hyped spirituality/Zen or yoga).

2. Change in diet.

3. A simple de-stressed life

4.routine rigourous games/ simple exercises

5. get lot of good friends & enjoy life.

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11y ago

Unfortunately this question is vague - This is extremely dependent on staging of the cancer. It's also dependent on type of cancerous cells. I'll give staging for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer and we'll go from there... The numbers after the --> are % relative 5-year survival

I --> 89%

IA --> 94%

IB --> 91%

IC --> 80%

II --> 66%

IIA --> 76%

IIB -->67%

IIC --> 57%

III --> 34%

IIIA --> 45%

IIIB --> 39%

IIIC --> 35%

IV --> 18%

Now this does change when you have different tumors or malignancies. Here's a comparison for staging for 5 year survival for Ovarian tumors of low malignant potential:

I --> 99%

II --> 98%

III --> 96%

IV --> 77%

I wish you or your loved one good luck. Source of the information is below.

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13y ago

For cervical cancers that are diagnosed in the preinvasive stage, the five-year-survival rate is almost 100%. When cervical cancer is detected in the early invasive stages, approximately 91% of women survive five years or more.

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10y ago

Cancer of the uterus is the fourth most common cancer among women. I caught and treated early this type of cancer has a 5 year survival rate of 95%, If treated in its later stages the survival rate decreases to 80%. It is one of the most treatable and curable cancers.

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When Cervical cancer is detected and treated in its early stages, however, the long-term rate of survival is almost 100%.

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Q: What is the survival rate for stage IV ovarian cancer?
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The survival rate for ovarian cancer varies by the severity of the disease and how early the disease is detected. The typical five-year rate is around 45%, but if diagnosed early, the five-year survival rate can be as high as 90%.

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The breast cancer survival rate varies greatly on the patient and their response to treatment. Breast cancer survival rates for early detection are 100%. Stage 2 breast cancer has a survival rate of 93 percent, the stage 3 survival rate is 72 percent, and the stage 4 survival rate is 22 percent.

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Where can one find information on the survival rate of ovarian cancer?

One can find the success rate, statistics, and results of cancer treatments on the Cancer Treatment Centers of America website. Information is available regarding the most prevalent cancers that are treated at these centers.

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