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Well oviosly nitrogen in solid is u see if u where to try to get nitrogen in any other way it would make some kind of affect that could possibly kill someone if used in large amounts and used without caution and I know this I'm 11 geared yes I know I'm young and it my not be the right answer but it's practically it unles you use already vapore

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The air 78% of the air on earth is made up of nitrogen

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bacteria in soil (:

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Q: What is the ultimate source of nitrogen?
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plants are not the ultimate source of energy. It is the sun which is the ultimate source of energy to this planet

Explain that the plants are the ultimate source of food?

plants are ultimate source of food because it supports to live human being as well as animal.animals eat plants and we know that every living being contain nitrogen when an animals die their nutrients are being converted into simpler for by bacteria and bacteria dissolve this nutrients into soil and this nitrogen are used by plants again and this process continues on and thus we can say that plants are ultimate source of food

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groundnut is a source of nitrogen.

What is a good source of Nitrogen?

Air is a good source, as it contains about 78% Nitrogen

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The ultimate source of the energy driving it is that coming from the Sun.

Sunlight is the ultimate energy sorse?

For things such as plants yes, also CO2, water and soil nutrients such as nitrogen. However going bigger than that the sun gets its energy from an Energy source known as Nuclear Fission which i don't know much about so if your looking for the real ultimate source try researching that?

What is the source of nitrogen for animals?

Animals get nitrogen from plants.

What is the ultimate source of energy for the plant?

The ultimate source of energy for plants is the sunlight which theycapture it from the sun. It is one of the main components ofphotosynthesis.

What is the ultimate source of energy for ecosystems?

The sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost all earth ecosystems.

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what Latin phrase means ultimate source Fons en origo

Is lighting a source of nitrogen compounds?

No it is not a sourse.But it fixes nitrogen

What would be a nitrogen source for the nutrient broth or agar?

the east extract is the main source of nitrogen in the nutrient broth or agar