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This sign indicates a controlled area where a boater must proceed at a speed no greater than that which will maintain steerage and headway.

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Q: What is white marker with orange crossed diamond?
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You see a white marker with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering what does this marker tell you?

keep out of that area

You see a white marker with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering. What does this marker tell you?

keep out of that area

What is a White marker with an orange with a crossed diamond and black lettering?

Crossed diamonds indicate areas off-limits to all vessels such as swimming areas, dams, and spillways.*NOTE that an orange diamond with black lettering within the diamond means a danger exists, such as rocks, shoals, stumps, or dams.

You see a white buoy with an orange crossed diamond. What should you do?

A white buoy with an orange crossed diamond means all boats keep out. A crossed black diamond also means boats should keep out of the area.White marker with an orange diamond having a cross in it is an indication of restricted area where boats are not allowed beyond the buoy. This area might be reserved for swimming or some other purposes.

What is indicated by a white marker buoy with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering?

Crossed diamonds indicate areas off-limits to all vessels such as swimming areas, dams, and spillways.*NOTE that an orange diamond with black lettering within the diamond means a danger exists, such as rocks, shoals, stumps, or dams.

White buoy with orange crossed diamond and black lettering?

An orange crossed diamond and black lettering indicates an area where vessels are prohibited and only swimming is allowed.

You see a white buoy with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering. What does this marker tell you?

You are anchoring your boat. The water is 20 feet deep. How much anchor line should you use?

You see a white buoy with a orange crossed diamond and black lettering What does this marker tell you?

You are anchoring your boat. The water is 20 feet deep. How much anchor line should you use?

What type of marker is used for slow no wake?

White tubular, orange circles above and below an orange diamond.

What should you do with a white buoy with an orange crossed diamond?

Watch out for dangers such as rocks and stumps.

What Regulatory marker for swimming area?

White tubular buoy, orange diamond with black cross in it. Tells boaters to keep out.

What if You see a white marker with an orange diamond and black lettering.?

a. keep outb. controlled areac. information or directionsd. danger or hazard